How to Control Air Pollution
Get your car inspected regularly to make sure the catalytic converter works properly. Whenever possible, walk, bike, carpool, or use public transportation. Drive at 60 mph or less to improve gas mileage. Purchase fuel-efficient vehicles.
Burn less natural gas to heat your home. Instead, wear extra layers or invest in a solar water heater.
Avoid using jet skis, snowmobiles, and gas-powered leaf blowers, snow blowers, or lawn mowers. Many of the engines in these devices are not covered by the same regulations as car engines, so they produce far more air pollution per gallon of gasoline.
Become a vegetarian or a vegan. The raising of cows produces huge amounts of methane. Concentrated poultry feeding operations produce lots of nitrogen oxides and other pollutants. Raising any sort of livestock also requires more land and emits more carbon dioxide than simply growing crops directly for human consumption.
Use less electricity. Coal power plants produce most of the world's electricity, and they also produce more carbon dioxide than any other source. Coal plants also release sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, mercury, and other heavy metals, causing acid rain and contributing to tens of thousands of deaths every year. Unplug televisions, cell phone chargers, and other appliances while not in use. Most devices continue to use small amounts of power even when they're turned off. Avoid using air conditioning, and don't leave the fridge open any longer than necessary. Only run the clothes washer or dish washer when full. Rather than using a dryer, hang clothes on a line to dry in the sun.
Buy locally produced, organically grown, in-season food. The more processed a food, or the further it has to travel to get to your supermarket, the more air pollution will be associated with its production and transportation.
Purchase fewer products, especially electronics. Buy used instead of new. Avoid items with excessive packaging. It takes energy and therefore causes air pollution to make literally anything you can buy.
Install wind generators or solar panels on your home so that you are not dependent upon fossil fuels for home heating.