How to Calculate Noise Exposure
Decibels are mathematical expressions for calculating sound intensity. They are useful measurements to compare levels of sound. For example, the roar of an airplane is 130 dB, but the quiet sounds of rustling leaves are only 20 dB.
Measuring Decibels
Decibels can be measure with a decibel meter (often called a sound meter). Modern decibel meters are digital, inexpensive and easy to operate. Datalogging decibel meters will record sound data at regular intervals over extended time periods.
Noise Exposure
In the United States, the Occupational Safety & Health Administration establishes guidelines for noise exposure in the workplace. These guidelines can also be used to identify excess noise exposure in general. It is recommended that people avoid prolonged (over eight hours) exposure to noise greater than 85 dB and have very limited exposure to noise above 115 dB.