What Are the Dangers of Dry Erase Pens?
Hexone Exposure
The chemical Hexone, also known by many other names such as MIBK and methyl isobutyl ketone, causes headaches, nausea, dizziness and even possible liver enlargement. The Sanford Commission removed the chemical from the Expo 2 dry-erase markers in 1989, but left the original marker on the market. Children especially experience negative reactions to Hexone.
Inhalation Abuse
Every year an untold number of people die from intentional inhalation of home and office supplies, including dry erase pens and markers. Inhalants produce mind-altering effects similar to intoxication. Serious negative effects from inhaling can occur after the first use. Heart attacks, seizures and brain damage from inhalation kill people each year.
Symptoms from Nontoxic Markers
Toxicologists tested six different unnamed brands of nontoxic-labeled dry erase markers. Mice exposed to the uncovered markers for 1 hour showed lung, eye and neurological effects. Some markers caused stronger reactions than others. Mice also became hyperactive and experienced tremors during the test. Researchers reasoned these same reactions, though on a smaller scale, could occur with humans after consistent exposure even to nontoxic markers.