How to Recycle Spray Cans
Collect your used aerosol cans. Check to see if the cans are completely empty. Separate partially full spray cans from empty ones, and set them aside. Cans that are not empty are still pressurized, and require different recycling methods (see Step 4).
Remove the plastic lid from the spray can. Normally, you do not have to remove the spray knob to recycle an empty aerosol can, but rules vary by state and region; check with your local recycling authority to make sure.
Removing spray can lids makes recycling easier. Call your local curbside recycling program to find out if they take empty aerosol cans. Some curbside programs will not accept these cans, or will accept them only if they contained innocuous products like whipped cream or cooking oil. If your curbside program accepts empty aerosol cans, dispose of them in your curbside recycling bin. If they don't accept aerosol cans, or don't accept certain aerosol products, consult local recycling centers and household hazardous waste facilities.
Bring partially full aerosol cans, and cans that contained hazardous materials like paints and insecticides, to your local household hazardous waste facility or recycling center. Some recyclers will not accept partially full spray cans because of the leftover material, but most of them have specialized equipment that safely punctures the cans and disposes of any remaining product. Hazardous aerosol products should always go to household hazardous waste facilities, whether the can is empty or partially full.