How to Remove Organic Pollutants
Things You'll Need
- Reverse osmosis unit, complete with sediment filter compartment, activated carbon chamber and resin chamber
- Sediment filter
- Activated carbon block
- Resin beads
- Plastic spoon
- Tap connector
- Municipal water supply and tap
Remove the sediment filter from its plastic packaging and rinse under a running tap to remove dust from packaging and transportation.
Unscrew the top of the sediment filter compartment and insert the sediment filter. Ensure that the washer is in place in the cap and screw the top back on tightly.
Remove the activated carbon block from its plastic packaging and rinse under a running tap to remove dust from packaging and transportation.
Unscrew the top of the activated carbon block chamber and insert the carbon block. Ensure that the washer is in place in the cap and screw the top back on tightly.
Carefully open the packet containing the resin beads. Do not let the beads spill out. Unscrew the top of the resin bead chamber; using a plastic teaspoon, carefully fill the chamber with beads. Rinse the cap and washer to remove any beads that are sticking to the washer. Ensure that the washer is in place in the cap and screw the top back on tightly.
Unscrew the end cap on the semipermeable membrane compartment and insert the semipermeable membrane. Ensure that the semipermeable membrane is facing in the correct direction. Check the inscription on the membrane compartment. Ensure that the washer is in place in the cap and screw the cap back on tightly.
Connect the tap connector to the in-flow plastic tube on the reverse osmosis unit.
Turn on the tap and flush the reverse osmosis unit by allowing water to flow through it for five minutes before use.