How to Remove Waste Disposal
Landfills are the most common method of waste disposal. Landfills should be carefully structured and built to isolate waste from the surrounding environment. The landfill should contain a liner on the bottom and the waste should be covered daily.
Find a location that will accommodate and reduce the amount of leachate produced. Leachate is liquid material contaminated with harmful material that leaks from the landfill. Locations with clay soils are ideal because they do not allow the free flow of liquids.
Choose a location close to the area where the waste is created and collected for disposal. Costs are reduced and safety is increased when the landfill is close to the original site of waste. Do not build landfills close to airports, schools, drinking water sources or areas inclined to flooding.
Earn the public's acceptance through education and charity. Press releases and transparency should be used to communicate with local officials and residents. The creation of jobs and improvement of public health can convince the public of the landfill's benefits. Donations to public education, fundraisers for the disabled, and clean up initiatives are examples of effective charity.
Design a structure close to the landfill for the collection of recyclable materials. Design the structure to sort and process recyclable materials into raw materials. The raw materials can then be sold or used to manufacture new products.
Landfill Design
Install liners on the bottom of a new landfill before any waste is disposed of in the landfill. Create liners with synthetic materials or clay to restrict leachate from escaping the landfill.
Collect and treat accumulated leachate for safe release into the environment. Use equipment such as perforated piping to collect the leachate and transfer it elsewhere to be treated.
Install a system to monitor, collect, and burn methane gas created by decomposed bacteria within the landfill. Methane gas can be harmful as it is a greenhouse gas.
Create a manual entailing the proper procedures for the operation of the landfill. Include specific details on where waste should be dumped, how waste is dumped, and how environmental risks will be reduced.
Train a manager in the operations of the landfill and in the text of the manual. Also, restrict access to employees and environment officials for safety reasons.
Controlled Burning of Waste or Combustion
Waste can also be disposed of by burning the waste at high temperatures. This method, also known as combustion, can reduce the amount of solid waste by 90 percent. The process is done at landfill sites with waste accumulated in landfills.
Burn waste at high temperatures with the help of various fuels to produce steam and ash. Trees, vegetable matter, or other types of wood are types of fuel used in combustion.
Use scrubbers and filters to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases discharged into the air. Filters are used to remove tiny ash particles. Pollution-control devices called scrubbers spray liquid onto the waste to neutralize acid gases.
You can also convert waste to energy with the use of steam-driven turbines. The thermal energy created from combustion can be converted into electrical energy.
Practice combustion on properties larger than 5 acres. Do not practice combustion within 50 feet of any structure.