Reactions to Propane Gas Leaks
Detecting Propane Leaks
The most obvious way to detect a propane gas leak is through smell. Become familiar with the smell of propane by asking your dealer for a scratch-and-sniff card, or ask to smell the gas when your tank is filled. A possible leak is occurring when the gas smell lasts more than an instant after igniting a stove-top burner, when a foul odor you can't identify persists or when you hear a hissing sound near gas appliances, piping or storage tanks and cylinders. Call your dealer if any of these signs occur.
Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Reactions to propane leaks are in the form of physical and sometimes mental symptoms due to carbon monoxide levels increasing and not venting. This can cause CO poisoning, a serious and dangerous health condition. Symptoms of CO poisoning include feeling tired, weak or dizzy; vomiting; headaches and a tightness across the temple and forehead; loss of muscle control and watering eyes. If any of these symptoms are present, leave the area immediately.
Preventing propane gas leaks requires a regular maintenance and proactive steps. Don't let the propane tank empty. A leak can occur when the system is recharged if the appliance valve or a gas line is left open after a propane supply runs out. Install CO detectors on each floor of the home. Install a gas detector as an extra precaution. Detectors sound an alarm when they detect leaks.