Wild Harvested Acai Dangers
Anyone may have or may develop an allergic reaction to wild Acai berries, but it seems that individuals who already suffer from palm or pollen allergies are more susceptible to an allergy to Acai. Mild allergy symptom to wild Acai berries include watery eyes, coughing, sneezing and a general itchy feeling, while more severe reactions can include rashes, chest pains, difficulty breathing and even anaphylaxis, a life-threatening reaction in which your airways, tongue and lips will swell and you will find it difficult to breathe. Allergic reactions require immediate emergency care.
Irritable Bowl Syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is not a disease, but a painful functional disorder that affects the large intestine and can cause cramping, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and general abdominal pain. While a moderate intake of "super foods" known for their cleansing properties such as wild Acai berries may be beneficial in the treatment of mild to controlled IBS, any significant ingestion of the world's most antioxidant-rich food for sufferers of uncontrolled IBS would be detrimental to their comfort, overall health and even the ability to function. Acai berries directly affect the digestive system, typically purging the body of excess waste, so sufferers of IBS may find it difficult to maintain a healthy, or comfortable, digestive routine if consuming wild Acai berries.
Too much of anything can be a bad thing, and this rule stands true for the Acai berry as it does for all of nature's gifts. Wild Acai berries, as well as the health products and supplements made from them, are desired for their unmatched levels of antioxidants, Omega essential fatty acids and amino acids, and have been dubbed safe by medical resources, including WebMD. However, neither significant research nor long-term studies have been performed on the effects of high consumption levels of Acai berries in adults or children, and the most common side effects reported from consuming Acai berries are mild and include stomach cramps, dizziness and diarrhea.