What Is a HEPA Mask?
HEPA Masks Versus Surgical Masks
HEPA masks filter 99.97 percent of all particles that are 0.3 micrometers in diameter. According to WHO, surgical and procedure masks do not provide protection from small air-borne particles and should not be worn for small-particle generating procedures.
Uses and Prevention
HEPA masks filter 99.97 percent of all airborne particles. Allergy sufferers can avoid allergy symptoms from mold spores, dust and pollen when working in the garden by wearing a HEPA mask. According to achooallergy.com, a HEPA mask provides the best filtration against airborne oil and non-oil based particles, bacteria, and viruses such as H1N1, Avian flu and SARS.
Hepa Mask Specifications
According to achooallergy.com, HEPA masks have fully adjustable straps and seal tightly to the face. They have a respirator valve with replaceable filters and they come in medium and large sizes.
Disposable one-size-fits-all HEPA masks are also available and provide true HEPA filtration. They have fully adjustable straps and seal tightly to the face.