Ways to Conserve Water for Children
Cold Drink of Water
Keep one or more pitchers of water in the refrigerator to use for drinking. Keep pitchers or sports bottles filled with water in the refrigerator. When you need a drink or want to make a cold pitcher of lemonade, you don't have to let the water faucet run to get the water cold enough. A quick drink of water is available at any time if each person in the family keeps his own bottle of water cold in the refrigerator.
Do Some Experiments to Detect Wasteful Leaks
Leaky faucets and toilets often leak, yet we don't even notice the wasteful leaks. Do these experiments to discover leaks in your home. After a toilet tank refills, listen for a running water sound. Pull up the handle until the running water noise quits. Toilet tanks can also leak along the bottom where connectors hold the flushing parts in place. Put some food coloring into the tank water. If a puddle of colored water forms under the tank, one or more connectors are loose. At bedtime put a small bowl under each faucet in the house, including the shower. Check in the morning to see if the bowl has collected more than a few drops of water. Wrap paper towels around the base of sink or tub faucets and around your outdoor hose connection. Check later to see if the paper towels are wet.
Bathroom Water Conservation
"Water, Use It Wisely" is a website with tips for saving water. The site reports that you can save up to 150 gallons of water each month by shortening your shower by only a couple of minutes. Turn off the shower while lathering your body or shampooing your hair, then turn the water back on to rinse. Consider brushing your teeth in the shower. If it's time for your pet's bath, plug the tub while you're showering to gather water for a pet's bath. Hand washing is important, but you can save water by turning off the faucet while you rub on the soap, then turn the water on to rinse your hands.
Outdoor Activities
Place a water sprinkler on the grass to play under while the grass is being watered. Wash a car or your bikes on the grass rather than in the driveway where the water runs off and is wasted. Empty a small wading pool with buckets so you can water gardens and potted plants with the water.