Pollutants From Kilns
Lead is a metal that occurs naturally in the earth's crust, according to MayoClinic.com. Human activity such as the burning of fossil fuels, mining and manufacturing has caused the metal to become widespread, including formerly a key ingredient in gasoline and paint. It is still used in pottery as well as roofing materials and some cosmetics. Health concerns surrounding the use of lead include brain damage and retardation, with children being particularly susceptible according to the nonprofit organization The Groundwork Institute's information on the health effects of air pollutants from cement kilns. Learning disabilities, anemia, endocrine-disrupting and reproductive effects, hearing loss, joint paint, vomiting, kidney diseases, nervous system issues, weight loss, irritability, headaches, immune system damage, decreased thyroid function and chromosome mutation are among other health risks from lead exposure.
Particulate Matter
Particulate matter from kilns is dangerous due to the presence of dozens of toxic substances including circulatory toxins, immunotoxins, mutagens, carcinogens, teratogens, neurological toxins and respiratory toxins, among others. This can result in eye and throat irritation, lung damage, increased mortality rates, bronchitis, increased respiratory problems, increased asthma, increased heart attack risk and increased use of inhalers and medications.
Other Air Pollutants
The many additional air pollutants from kilns include arsenic, which can cause birth defects, cancer and respiratory problems among others; beryllium, which causes lung disease as well as affecting the liver, lymph glands, kidneys and spleen; and cadmium, which removes calcium from bones, causes lung and gastrointestinal problems and affects the endocrine, reproductive and immune system.
Chromium compounds are another air pollutant that cause birth defects, pulmonary problems, cancer, blood changes, nose bleeds, kidney problems and DNA-chromosome changes. Additional air pollutants include mercury and dioxin, which target the organs and affect the immune system among other health problems.
Hydrochloric acid is a highly corrosive mineral acid found in kiln emissions and is used in many industries including rubber, textile and photography. It is an eye, lung and skin irritant that is damaging to cell membranes.