Hazards of Solar Power
Fire Hazard
The Fire Protection Research Foundation (FPRF) identifies hazards affecting fire prevention services with solar panel use. Firefighters must distinguish between the type of solar power used to work efficiently in the event of a fire. Geothermal and photovoltaic panels present different challenges to stopping a fire. Without knowledge the type of panel used, firefighters' safety may be at risk. Hazards apparent in both types include flame spread, slipping and structural collapse due to added weight.
Biodiversity Hazard
The land required to solar power the world impedes habitats and entire ecosystems of various wildlife. A lack of biodiversity and increasing numbers of endangered species may result from widespread use of solar energy. Surveying and maintaining land for possible solar power plants requires constant human intervention through areas harboring animal habitats. The deterioration of habitats can cause displacement and possible death to the inhabitants. This threat to the animal population is a biodiversity hazard of solar power.
Human Hazard
Solar energy presents hazards to the human population as well. Glint and glare potentially present hazards to the eyes. Glint, a quick flash of light, and glare, a continuous exposure to bright, render human eyes susceptible to injury. Retinal burn and flash blindness may occur. Motorists and workers at nearby construction sites as well as pilots flying overhead comprise the list of those most vulnerable to such hazards.