What Is Environmental Packaging?

The objective of environmental packaging is to create a package that minimizes the impact that its existence has on the environment as well as designing it so that it can be re-used (recycled) after the product within has been used or consumed.
  1. Safe and Healthy and Reusable

    • Environmental packaging is safe, healthy and beneficial to those who handle it and those who receive it. If a package is designed correctly, it can be used for another reason or re-purposed, which cuts down on trash in the dump sites.

    Avoid Noxious Substances

    • The amount of noxious substances and heavy metals used to create the package are limited and the use of wood comes from managed and sustained-yield forests or recycled fiber products or paper and not from old growth forests.

    Avoid Hazardous Waste

    • The objective is to eliminate or minimize waste and to use materials that are not hazardous to the environment and to humans, according to ELCompanies.com.

    Going Green

    • Those companies who have gone "green" live by the creed "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle," notes Packing-int.com. When you reduce the amount of packaging that is used, you also lower CO2 emissions and waste and are being environmentally responsible.

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