How to Replace Plastic Water Bottles
Buy an aluminum or stainless steel reusable water bottle. Aluminum and stainless steel water bottles are safe and environmentally friendly. Although they tend to be more expensive than their plastic counterparts, these water bottles keep your beverage colder for a longer period of time and are available in a wide variety of shapes, colors and designs. You don´t have to worry about your beverage tasting like metal either because these water bottles are made with a special coating which prevents the bottle from leaking any type of metallic flavor into your drink.
Use a hydration pack. For outdoor activities such as hiking, biking or running, hydration packs are ideal, hands-free replacements for plastic water bottles. Hydration packs are small backpacks that contain a refillable bladder. The bladder is connected to a tube from which you can drink water. They are comfortable to wear and are easier to carry than a plastic water bottle.
Reuse your plastic water bottle. You sometimes find yourself in situations in which you have to buy a bottle of water. Refill your bottle and use it as much as possible. When you no longer need it, drop it in a recycling bin.