How to Recycle Aluminum Cans in Lake County, Illinois
Go to the Earth 911 website and enter "aluminum cans" as well as your city or zip code in the search box at the top of the page. A list of zip codes in Lake County, Illinois is listed in the resources at the end of this article.
Click on the tab marked "Curbside" to see which towns collect aluminum cans at the curb. If your town doesn't support curbside recycling, click on the tab marked "All Listings" to see nearby recycling centers where you can bring your cans.
Rinse out your aluminum cans to prevent the soda and food residue inside from attracting insects and other pests.
Designate a separate bin for curbside recycling, if you haven't been given a free recycling bin. Place your aluminum cans in this bin for curbside recycling. If you don't have curbside recycling, place your cans in a separate bag or other container.
Leave your cans in a bin by the curb, or drop them off at your local recycling center. The cans will be returned to can manufacturers, made into new cans, and back on the shelf of your grocery store, usually within six weeks.