The Advantages of Water Analysis
Bacterial Testing
Whether there is bacteria in water is likely the number one concern the average person has when considering the safety of her drinking water. A bacterial analysis of the water measures the presence and quantity of coliform, a bacteria found in the digestive tracts of warm-blooded animals. This bacteria is also present naturally in the environment, and leaches into water supplies. It indicates the possibility of other harmful bacterial contamination, such as the potentially fatal E. Coli bacteria.
Nitrate Testing
While naturally occurring in many foods, nitrates pose the greatest threat to children under six months of age. When ingested by an infant, the child's body turns nitrate into nitrite, and nitrites inhibit the blood's ability to transport oxygen throughout the body. This can result in sudden infant death syndrome. A simple water analysis can determine whether nitrates are present. Nitrates in water are caused by fertilizer contamination, sewage and waste water from feedlots, absorption fields and urban run-off, and naturally by plant and animal decay.
Where to Go
Water testing should only be done by the appropriate government agencies, or laboratories that are overseen by government agencies. The health department, your local department of natural resources and county and state health labs are good places to request water analyses. The Environmental Protection Agency also provides helpful information.