How to Recycle Polythene Bags
Take the polythene bags to your local grocery store for reuse. This will reduce the need to use new bags for bagging your groceries. You can also return old or used polythene bags to your grocery store or supermarket as many stores accept used bags for recycling.
Use the bags to store and organize clothes in your storage closet. If you plan on putting away your bags, purses and shoes for a while, you can stuff polythene bags into them to retain their shape.
Polythene bags can be used as lunch sacks or to pack and carry food for a picnic or family gathering.
Use the bags to carry muddy and dirty shoes or to carry sandy and wet beachwear. You can also use them to carry your children's toys back home from the beach or the park.
Use your polythene bags to clean the litter box of your pet(s). Alternatively, you also can use these bags to pick up after your pet when you take it for a walk or give them to the local animal shelter for similar use.
To prevent your paint rollers and brushes from drying out, bag them in polythene bags as this will keep the air out.
Use polythene bags as packing material by rolling them up and stuffing them in and around the items you want to pack or store.
After removing the vacuum cleaner bag, put it into a polythene bag and tie it up. This will prevent dust and dirt from slipping out while you are disposing of the bag.
If you have separate trash cans for different rooms and uses around the house, you can use these bags as trash can liners.