What Type of Label Is Needed for a Drum of Asbestos-Containing Material for DOT Shipping?
Asbestos Overview
Asbestos is considered a hazardous substance because if it is breathed into the lungs, it can cause serious health problems. Asbestos can be broken down into two categories, friable and nonfriable. It is the friable (airborne) variety that is the most likely to be inhaled; thus it is regulated much more stringently by DOT and other governing agencies.
Importance of Labeling Containers
Labeling is required by law because it alerts emergency responders as well as other potential workers and individuals as to the types of hazards that may exist inside a particular drum or container. Due to the serious nature of transporting hazardous wastes, proper management and labeling requirements are strictly regulated by numerous governing agencies including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the DOT.
DOT Lebeling Requirements for Asbestos
According to Allied Waste, containers of asbestos must be labeled as follows in order to comply with DOT regulations:
RQ Hazardous Substance
If you are pulled over and inspected by DOT and they find that a container is not labeled properly, they will write you up and may impose serious fines for not complying with state and national laws.