Plastic Bag Use in the United States
Plastic shopping bag usage has grown quickly since its introduction in 1977. Four out of five grocery bags were made of plastic between 1996 and 2010. Different areas in the U.S. are initiating methods to cut down on plastic bag use, including the promotion of recycling and reusable bags, and bans and fees for using plastic.
Recycling Laws
Some cities and states have laws that promote or require the recycling of plastic bags, according to the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. New York, California, Delaware, and Rhode Island require plastic bag recycling, while other areas encourage greater recycling. This includes Illinois, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Los Angeles County, Phoenix, Austin, Minneapolis and St. Paul.
Bans on Use
Some cities and counties in the U.S. have banned plastic bag use altogether. Most of the banned plastic bags come from grocers and retail stores. The first city to enact a complete ban was San Francisco in 2007. Other cities include Westport, Connecticut, and Edmunds, Washington.