Monitoring of Air Pollution in India
Time Frame
With the XIX Commonwealth Games held in early October 2010 in Delhi, India, air pollution was a concern. Scientists developed a system for monitoring and publicizing air quality during the games. A green code, a value between 0 and 100, indicated good air quality. A red color indicated a possible health alert. Twenty panels were constructed to display the information.
India's National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring (NAAQM) program was launched in 1984 with 28 stations covering seven cities. Since then, the number of stations has increased to at least 290 stations in over 92 cities/towns, according to the AIT-UNEP Regional Resource Center for Asia and the Pacific. AIT-UNEP is a cooperative effort between the Asian Institute of Technology and the United Nations Environment Program.
India's Central Pollution Control Board ranked its states in September 2010 in positive steps taken to control air pollution. Mizoram was first, Goa second, Kerala third and Pondicherry fourth. The assessments were made by government officials under the National Ambient Air Monitoring Programme (NAAMP). India has provided states with financial incentives for achieving environmental goals.