How to Recycle PCB Ballast
Check your phonebook for local recycling companies, or visit an online database such as Earth911. Search for companies that handle 'hazardous' materials. Often the local government will have a State recycling system to handle the PCB ballasts, and these will be listed in the Earth911 search list.
Call the recycling company and inform them of the quantity you wish to recycle. State government and non-profit organizations often have a limit on the amount they will handle per household. If you are over the maximum amount or are looking to recycle PCB material for commercial business, ask your local government waste agency about commercial recycling companies in the area. These will require a fee and have specific requirements for how to package the hazardous material for pick up. You can also go online and search through the list of "Commercially Permitted PCB Disposal Companies" at the website.
Pick up any supplies needed to contain the PCB hazardous ballasts. Many recyclers require a specially packaged box that labels the material hazardous, and these will have to be either ordered or picked up at the local recycle agency.
Secure the materials in the appropriate container and take the box to the designated drop-off areas. There will usually be specific times a month that certain hazardous materials will be picked up, so confirm this on the phone with the recycling agency. Some local governments will even pick the PCB ballasts from your house if you set a pickup time in advance. Ensure that everything is safely packaged and there are no leaks in the box or ballast.