Hazards of a Mobile Tower
Increased Cancer Risk
The American Cancer Society states on its website that there is no clear and documented proof that living, working or going to school in a location that has a nearby cell phone tower increases the risk of cancer. However, there are very few studies that have been done on humans that have been exposed to radiation levels for extended periods of time. Studies that have researched the issue, suggest just the opposite. According to a study performed at Israel's Tel Aviv University and published on the website of EMF(electromagnetic field) Health, individuals who lived within 1148 feet of an active mobile tower had greatly increased risks of developing cancer. This was based on research conducted between the years 1997 and 1998 with results written in 1999.
Vibroacoustic Disease
According to an article published on Six Wise, individuals who live within a few hundred feet of a cell phone tower are at increased risk of developing Vibroacoustic Disease, a medical condition that is caused by low frequency sound vibrations. Vibroacoustic Disease affects not just the ears, but the entire body. Primary damage occurs to the soft tissue of the body and results in abnormal cell growth and thickening of cardiovascular structures and inflammation of tissues throughout the body. In addition, patients diagnosed with Vibroacoustic Disease experienced psychological side effects including increased agitation, depression, mood swings, anger and aggressiveness that could not be explained.
Attention Deficit Disorders
Another primary concern of those who live within proximity of active mobile towers is the risk of attention deficit disorders. A scholarly paper based on a 2004 study conducted by Thamir Al- Khlaiwi and written by Dr. Neha Kumar, an expert in the field of industrial biotechnology at Anna University in India, in conjunction with chairman of India based Wilcom Technologies, claims these risks: a rise in attention deficit disorders has been documented, particularly in children, in individuals who received prolonged exposure to electromagnetic waves emitted through cell phone towers. In addition to attention deficit disorders, additional symptoms including sleep disturbances, dizziness and fatigue were also documented.