How to Filter Fluoride From Tap Water

Most water supplies in the United States add fluoride to the water, which means that the tap water you drink contains fluoride. Fluoride can have many negative side effects to your health, including damage to the teeth and bones, claims the Fluoride Action Network, although most health experts disagree. You may want to consider filtering fluoride out of your tap water to avoid the side effects. A number of options are available if you want to begin reducing the fluoride in your tap water.


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      Purchase and use a water filter that uses an activated alumina cartridge; other kinds and brands of filter (such as Brita) don't remove fluoride very well.

    • 2

      Drink spring water. This water contains much less fluoride than your tap water.

    • 3

      Install a water distillation unit. These devices use technology like reverse osmosis to filter out most of the harmful components in tap water.

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