Impacts of Population Growth
Limited Resources
The more people there are on the planet, the more resources are required to support the increased population. From food to clean water to mineral resources, as the population rises these resources are depleted and become more sparse. Moreover, the economic impact to people on earth becomes more pronounced with increased population growth. This is especially true for poorer populations who live without the basic resources, such as clean water, food and medical care, necessary to sustain life as well as providing for a higher quality of life. The economic consequences of population growth limits equality, causing poorer people to live at a much lower standard of living then people living in richer nations.
Impact to the Planet
As more carbon dioxide is produced by the machinery of civilization, the impact on the climate is beginning to be seen with global temperatures on the rise. Trees that once helped to create oxygen are being stripped away every day. These trees also help to stabilize the soil in many areas, so the consequence of removing them is an increase in surface water runoff and and an increase in the occurrence of floods, even in areas where there was previously no flooding.
Impact to Animal Life
As the human population increases, the population of animal life decreases. The cause of this decrease is fairly obvious. As more humans occupy the earth, they need more space and more resources, including minerals that are taken from areas that sustain a multitude of species. Animal habitats are impacted by mining, oil wells and timber cutting and the production of timber through tree farms on large swaths of land. As these incursions continue and increase, animals already on the endangered species list creep closer to extinction and those not already listed on it move closer to becoming endangered.