Coliform Removal From Well Water
Things You'll Need
- Chlorine bleach containing 5.25 percent chlorine
- Clean bucket or trash can
- Water hose
- Safety goggles
- Rubber gloves
- Overalls or other protective clothing
Clean interior and exterior surfaces. Scrub the well cap and casing using ½ gallon of chlorine bleach to 5 gallons of water. Turn off the electricity to the well and remove the well cap. Scrub the interior surfaces with the chlorine solution. If possible, empty storage tanks and cisterns and sanitize by hand.
Calculate the chlorine requirement: Example: For a six-inch-diameter well casing that is 150 feet deep and 50 feet to the water level, you can estimate approximately 150 gallons of water in the well. Add 100 gallons for the system's stored water, making a total of 250 gallons. Three pints of bleach are required per 100 gallons of water, giving you a requirement of 7.5 pints.
Add chlorine solution to the well. Place the bleach in the bucket and add water to dilute it (one part bleach to 10 parts water). Disconnect or remove carbon filters. Remove the well cap and pour the diluted solution into the well. Turn on the electricity.
Re-circulate the chlorinated water. Connect a hose to the water faucet and run water down the well for approximately 15 to 20 minutes to ensure that the chlorine and water are thoroughly mixed throughout the well. While doing this, rinse the sides of the well casing.
Disinfect the plumbing. Open all water faucets, one at a time, and let the water run until a strong chlorine odor is detected. Flush toilets until the chlorine odor is noticeable. Run the washing machine and dishwasher as well. Once the chlorine has been distributed through all points of the system, turn off the hot water heater and let the treatment stand undisturbed for 12 to 24 hours.
Flush the system. When the chlorination has been completed, the system needs to be flushed to remove the chlorine. Use outdoor faucets to flush the chlorinated water out of the system. Direct the water to gravel areas or areas without vegetation, keeping it away from any surface water or streams.
Run water through the taps. After the chlorine is drained from the system, run water through the taps until the strong chlorine odor is gone. Try to keep the chlorinated water out of the septic system. At the very least, do not allow more than 100 gallons to enter the septic system.
Retest the water. It is advisable to retest the water for coliform bacteria within one to two weeks to make sure the problem has been resolved. Repeat the test in two to three months to ensure there has been no re-contamination.