The Advantages of Solar Energy Over Fossil Fuels
Clean and Free
Although there are costs associated with solar panel production, once a solar panel array is in place, it generates electricity at no financial cost and without generating waste. Because sunlight is available free during the day, there is no external fuel source to be purchased.
No Reliance on Limited Resources
Unlike fossil fuels and the uranium used in fission power plants, the supply of fuel for solar panels will be unlimited for as long as the sun shines. When the availability of other fuel sources dwindles, and their cost goes up accordingly, sunlight will still be readily available. Since sunlight cannot be withheld from the market the way oil, coal or uranium supplies can, its use diminishes the potential for energy-related conflicts or disputes.
Comparatively Low Maintenance Requirements
A solar power system contains few or no moving parts, so there is very little that can go wrong with it once it is in place. Maintenance costs are low because parts do not wear out and require replacement at the rate that turbine-based power generators' parts do. Because of their low maintenance and repair requirements, solar energy systems spare their users both the time and the money required in upkeep.
Emergency or Remote Power Source
In areas where the electrical infrastructure is damaged by disasters, such as hurricanes or earthquakes, a solar power system can provide backup emergency power for essential buildings and structures until they are reconnected to the power grid. Solar energy can also provide electricity to remote areas where running power lines from an existing grid may be cost-prohibitive or impossible.