Environmental Problems Caused From Methane
Water Contamination
Methane from gas wells can seep into water supplies and contaminate wells. Deaths have been caused by exploding wells and by contaminated drinking water systems poisoned by this odorless, tasteless gas.
Methane emissions can seep up through the ground and cause problems for the environment and humans in particular. Many businesses place fans beneath buildings where methane emissions have been discovered. The emissions don't just propose a danger for flammability; the methane emissions can cause headaches and dizziness in humans as it replaces the oxygen. The result could be suffocation.
Climate Change
Methane contributes to climate change. It is a potent contributor to global warming due to its ability to trap warm air. Methane thrives via man-made sources and natural conditions, such as wastewater, landfills, wetlands, rice cultivation, marine sediment, ruminant livestock and more.
Oceanic Changes
When methane is involved in the process that moves carbon into and out of the ocean, it forces a change and directly affects that climate and the life within that system.
Vegatation Changes
When methane is involved in the process that moves carbon into and out of vegetation zones that are climate and/or weather dependent, it forces a change and directly affects the vegetation growth and the life that requires that vegetation to exist within that system.