Three Positive Effects of Going Green
Save Money
Going green saves money whether you do it on your own, as a family, or a community. Conserving water and electricity by shutting off lights, using solar panels to power your home or turning off your water when brushing your teeth can reduce your own bills and money spent as a whole on these resources. Recycling clothing, bottles, cans and other unwanted items reduces production costs while conserving energy. Producing these things with non-recycled materials uses more energy and costs the manufacturer more money, which reflects in the prices of these items at the store. Green living also reduces the amount of waste that goes to landfills. Landfills use plots that could be put to use in better, more eco-friendly ways. Clearing them also costs a lot of money.
Improve Your Health
The environment becomes healthier as more people switch to a green lifestyle. Eating food such as fish that has been exposed to water with metal contamination or eating vegetables exposed to acid rain can affect our health over time. The World Health Organization claims that air pollution causes an estimated 2 million deaths every year worldwide. By maintaining a clean environment and ensuring we have clean air to breathe, we improve our own health and the health of future generations.
Better Environment
People are consuming Earth's resources at an alarming rate, fueling global warming through pollution while destroying the planet's delicate ecosystem, according to All Recycling Facts. This may eventually lead to the loss of water, land, food and clean air. Help by reusing material, limiting the use of non-renewable resources, and decreasing the impact your presence has on the environment. Organic agriculture in which soil is not exposed to chemicals preserves the health of the land where we grow our food and ensures the availability of high quality, pollutant-free food and water.