How do I Install Silt Curtains?

Silt curtains are floating vinyl barriers that allow suspended solid particles to settle in a confined area of water. In this way, a silt curtain - or silt fence - aids in sediment erosion control by containing solid particles until they do settle. Such barriers are usually set up in a semi-circle around drainage pipes that dump contaminants into rivers or lakes. They are also set up quickly to encircle ships that develop leaks. Silt fencing prevents water pollution from spreading and damaging sensitive areas.

Things You'll Need

  • Watercraft
  • Buoys
  • Anchors
  • Anchoring lines
  • Automatic signal lights
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    • 1

      Line up the bundled sections of silt curtain on a clear part of the shore. Place the sections about 18 inches apart and cut (or untie) the bundling straps.

    • 2

      Clip the snap hook on the bottom of one side of a curtain section to the steel ring on the opposite side of the adjacent section to connect the ballast chain. Connect all sections of the silt fencing as such.

    • 3

      Connect the sides of each section together with rope ties, or connector hooks and toggle pins depending on the design. Type 1 silt curtains have holes for rope ties while type 2 and 3 use the connectors and pins.

    • 4

      Tie the top of the outside end that is closest to the water onto the boat or jet ski you will use to tow the silt curtain into position. Pull the curtain slowly into place without allowing it to become twisted as you travel through ther water.

    • 5

      Attach anchoring lines to shackles on the upper floating portion of the curtain and secure the lines to anchored buoys. Place automatic flashing signal lights along the silt fencing every 100 feet if is set up in waters that receive boat traffic.

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