Asbestos Glovebag Removal Method
Asbestos is a fireproof fibrous material made up of six natural substances, and according to the HeinOnline's Law Journal Library, it is a toxic substance that can result in serious health problems. Asbestos has been used in the construction of residential or commercial buildings as well as in the manufacturing of certain motor vehicle parts such as brakes.
Since 1972, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been actively involved in the regulation of asbestos exposure and its harmful effects on the environment. They state that the mere presence of asbestos does not signify a health hazard. It is when the material is disturbed and the fibers released into the air that creates a dangerous situation. However, there are times asbestos removal becomes necessary, and when this is the case, the task should be completed by professionals.
Asbestos Glovebags
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one method used for asbestos removal is the use of a glovebag.This is a plastic bag with gloves sealed into its sides, allowing it to function as a single unit. The asbestos professional seals the bag containing the material to be disposed of, and then uses the built in gloves to move the material within the bag through the use of special tools. The obvious goal of this invention is to provide a way to handle the asbestos without risking contamination.