Water Sampling Instruments
Safety Gear
Water sampling in the field can be dangerous. Snakes, insects and poisonous plants need to be accounted for when deciding on what type of clothing to wear. Jeans and steel-toes boots are the most common of items; however hip waders, safety glasses and hearing protection could be needed for more protection. Furthermore, when sampling from a boat, a life preserver may be required according to state laws.
Sample Containers
In order to take a water sample, a bottle or bag is needed in which to collect the sample. Whirl-pak bags are sterile and are often used due to their convenience; however, like most bags, they do tend to leak. Sterile bottles can be used as well; however, they should be rinsed out with the water sample first before collecting the actual sample.
Depth Samplers or Peristaltic Pumps
When a water sample needs be taken at a certain depth, depth samplers and peristaltic pumps are ideal to use in the field. Placed in the water, depth samplers use an open tube that captures water samples at a specified depth under water. Peristaltic pumps take water samples by using long tubing that is placed around a circular casing and rotors; they use compression to take a sample. Unlike a depth sampler, only the tubing of a peristaltic pump is lowered in the water.
Field Meters
Conductivity, pH, turbidity and dissolved oxygen are types of physical parameters measured at the time of collection in the field. In order to take these measurements, each are determined by using a meter specified for that type of parameter. However, multiparameters are available for easier transport. A multiparameter can measure several of these field parameters at the same time.
Global Positioning Systems
Water sampling should be done at the same location every time. Site maps often do not have water sampling locations included on the map and a GPS is useful for direction . GPS coordinates can be stored to quickly identify locations without the confusion that maps often cause in locating a site specific area.