Things That Are Bad for Lungs
The No. 1 cause of lung disease in the world is cigarette smoke. According to the American Lung Association, COPD and cancer are among the maladies caused by cigarette smoking. The effects of cigarette smoke are dangerous and far-reaching, including inflammation and swelling of the lung tissues that leads to difficulty breathing.
Noxious Fumes and Air Pollution
To ensure good health for your lungs, avoid breathing noxious fumes. Some dangerous fumes include gasoline, harsh cleaning chemicals, paint, mold and ceramic dust or fiber. Also, according to the American Lung Association, you should avoid exercising in areas with high air pollution. If possible, avoid inhaling any of these health threats, but if it is unavoidable, breathe through your nose rather than your mouth.
A study done by Emory University and released by "Medical News Today" indicates that excessive alcohol intake can lead to lung damage and disease. It is believed high amounts of alcohol can inhibit necessary fluids from reaching the lungs, decreasing immune defenses and leading to a condition known as "alcoholic lung."