How to Recycle Polluted Water
Things You'll Need
- 5 gallon bucket
- Hammer
- Nail
- 4 coffee filters
- 10 pounds of sand
- Large plastic plant saucer
- 3 small plastic flower pots
- Metal strainer
- Clean gallon bottle
- Bleach
Turn the bucket upside down. Make holes in the bottom of the bucket with a hammer and nail. The holes should be about 1 inch apart. Make as many holes as you can. Turn the bucket right side up when finished.
Flatten the coffee filters, and line the bottom of the bucket with them. Overlap the filters where necessary.
Fill the bucket with sand. Leave an inch of space below the lip of the bucket.
Wash the plastic saucer and the flower pots. Place the pots upside down in the saucer. Put the bucket of sand on top of the small flowerpots.
Place a strainer over the bucket of sand. Pour the water to be recycled through the strainer and into the sand. Continue pouring until water drips out of the bottom of the bucket. When the water stops dripping, remove the bucket and pour the water from the saucer into a clean container. More water will go into the bucket than will come out since the sand will hold a portion of the water. You can prevent this by saturating the sand with clean water before using it as a filter.
Add bleach to the water. The ratio is 16 drops of bleach for every gallon of water. This kills any bacteria that might be present.