Types of Chemical Pollution
People use detergent as a common cleaning component without noticing potentially dangerous chemicals. If waste water goes untreated and enters into the water system, the amounts of detergent can grow rapidly. Detergent in small amounts is not harmful but in large quantities, it can cause sickness. Detergent is not biodegradable so it will stay in the environment forever.
Water Pollution
Water pollution is getting worse because there are so many chemicals that can enter the water source in so many different ways. Some of the ways that chemicals can enter the water are accidental spills, household waste, improper water treatments, run-off from agriculture and illegal corporate waste practices that cause contaminated water. Chemical pollution of the water is dangerous to all life on the planet. Man as well as plants and animals are at risk when chemicals spill into the water, which can pose health risks and possible death.
Insecticides have a long-standing use for many years. Dangerous insecticides such as DDT went unchecked until studies finally proved the harmful environmental effects. Now, many of these chemicals have strict regulatory usage or are no longer legal for use. Unfortunately, not all countries regulate or outlaw the use of these insecticides, which leaves some ecosystems susceptible. Ingestion of insecticides can cause many diseases including cancer.
Air Pollution
Currently, air pollution is one of the most dangerous problems. Air pollution requires rapid action as it can cause the most damage to the environment and inhabitants. Air pollution develops due to carbon emissions from man-made machines that operate with fossil fuels. This includes 99% of cars around the world, lawn mowers, factories and many other types of machines.