Alternatives to Plastic Cups
Glass Cups and Bottles
At home, glass cups and bottles are convenient alternatives to plastic cups. They're easy to clean and pose no known health risks. The only disadvantage to glass is its tendency to break, thus making it a less appealing alternative for children and on-the-go users.
Unlined Steel Cups and Bottles
Another very popular alternative to a plastic cup is unlined steel. Steel is durable, making it a good drink container for vigorous activities such as hiking. It's also a suitable vessel for hot drinks like tea and coffee. Take care to choose steel that does not have an epoxy lining; such liners contain BPA and thus may carry the same health risks as plastic cups containing the chemical.
BPA-Free Plastic
Due to concerns about the possible health risks of BPA, BPA-free plastics have been gaining popularity as an alternative to traditional polycarbonate plastic. While the effects of BPA on human health are not completely understood, studies such as the National Toxicology Program's Center for the Evaluation of Risks to Human Reproduction 2008 report on Bisphenol A have linked the chemical to several potential negative health outcomes. These include endocrine-disrupting effects and developmental effects on the brain, behavior and prostate gland. Canada and several American states have banned the use of BPA in certain products in light of these concerns. BPA-free plastics have the same convenience factor as plastic--durability and portability--along with reduced health concerns. However, some experts, including the Environmental Working Group, recommend reducing the use of plastics altogether to provide the best protection from unknown chemicals and their effects.