What Are the Main Water Pollutants?
The human body is approximately 75 percent water. We must constantly rehydrate our bodies with fresh water. We also use water for cooking, cleaning and bathing. Naturally we want to consume the best and purest water available. Unfortunately, our water is too often polluted with a variety of contaminants such as chemicals and pathogens.-
Sources of Pollution
Sewage treatment plants are a point source of pollution. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) divides sources of water pollution into two broad categories. Point sources are stationary structures and include sewage treatment facilities, ships and factories. Non-point sources are more diverse and include mining, paved roads and agricultural and urban runoff.
No water is 100 percent pure. It picks up a variety of impurities as it flows in streams, passes through soil and rocks and collects in lakes. In small amounts, naturally occurring minerals are harmless and are thought to give a pleasant taste. However, at higher levels, minerals can make water unpalatable or dangerous.
Inorganic contaminants
Some common contaminants found in water include arsenic, barium, cadmium and cyanide. These and other contaminants can cause a variety of health problems. Arsenic can cause skin damage, circulatory problems and increase cancer risk. Barium has been shown to cause gastrointestinal disturbances, weakness and high blood pressure. Cadmium causes nausea, vomiting, cramps, liver injury, renal failure and blood damage. Problems associated with cyanide include neurological problems, rapid breathing, tremors, weight loss and thyroid problems.
Municipal water systems often add disinfectants such as chlorine, chloramine and chlorine dioxide to kill germs. Chlorine irritates the eyes and nose and causes stomach discomfort. Chloramine is an eye and nose irritant and cause stomach discomfort and anemia. Chlorine dioxide can cause nervous system disorders in children and fetuses and cause anemia in adults.
When sewage contaminates water it brings sewage born pathogens with it. Pathogens in drinking water can cause a variety of diseases. They can include viruses, protozoa, bacteria and helminths (worms). Some ailments caused by water born pathogens include diarrhea, hepatitis, meningitis, abdominal pain, respiratory issues, fevers and even insomnia.