What Chemicals Are Found in Spring Water?
Phthalates are chemicals mainly used to soften plastic. Almost three million tons of phthalates are produced every year. They can contaminate commercial spring water during the bottling process but are also found directly in groundwater where they are partially dissolved. Phthalate contamination can be found in water located within close proximity to waste dumps. Biologically, phthalates can mimic hormonal functions, causing disruption in regular bodily activities. They are also linked to low sperm counts, abnormal male fetal development and may possess carcinogenic properties.
Farming areas are vulnerable to chemical contamination of local ground water. Agrochemicals used as fertilizers and pesticides penetrate the soil and become stored in underground water sources. Agrochemicals include organochlorines, triazines, organophosphates and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Organophosphates are the most abundant agrochemical found. Maternal exposure to agrochemicals like atrazine is associated with pregnancy complications including gastroschisis, a birth defect where internal organs grow outside of the fetal abdomen.
Steroidal Hormones
Steroidal hormones like estrogen are injected into some farm animals to increase weight gain and reduce feeding requirements. They are excreted in animal feces and enter the water system when used as manure during agriculture. It is estimated that overall hormone excretion by livestock animals in the US runs over 330 metric tons per year. Estrogens and other steroidal hormones in surface water are linked to the disruption of reproductive functions of aquatic organisms such as fish, frogs and turtles.
Common pharmaceuticals like ibuprofen and their metabolites have been identified in groundwater and treated tap water. The main source of pharmaceutical contamination comes from waste water treatment plants. Almost half of all Americans use prescription drugs and one in six people have three or more prescriptions. Little is known about the toxic effects of long-term exposure to pharmaceuticals in the environment.