The Disposal of Hearing Aid Batteries
Hearing-aid batteries typically are composed of mercury, silver or zinc. Check the package to find out what metal is in your batteries. Disposal instructions may be printed on the back of the package.
Household Hazardous Waste Sites
One of the best ways to dispose of hearing-aid batteries is taking them to your local household hazardous waste collection site. Ask your county government, a recycling center, or your garbage company about the nearest site.
Silver Oxide Batteries
According to Environment, Health and Safety Online, you can dispose of silver oxide hearing aid batteries in your regular garbage, under a consumer exemption in the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.
Household Collection Programs
Hearing-aid batteries may be taken to a household collection program. However, Environment, Health and Safety Online says many batteries collected through these programs end up in hazardous waste landfills.
State Regulations
Many states have battery recycling laws. In California, all batteries are considered hazardous waste and must be recycled or taken to a household hazardous waste facility or a universal waste handler, according to Environment, Health and Safety Online.