Survival Storage Preparation List
Water is essential for survival. The human body can survive anywhere from weeks to months without food, but without water, the body will start to suffer after about one day. At least two quarts of water per day is required to keep the body hydrated and healthy. The amount of water needed varies according to climate. A hot, dry climate causes the body to lose fluids at an increased rate. The best way to store water is in glass containers. Plastic can also work but can cause the water to become toxic if it is stored for a long period of time.
Canned Goods
Canned goods make excellent food items for storage because the cans are small and the food can last a long time. Many people are surprised to hear that canned goods can spoil. Before storing any canned goods for survival, check for dents, openings or cracks in the can. If air gets in, the food will spoil.
Dried Foods
Dried foods are great for a survival storage supply. They can last for long periods of time if they are left in a cool place and kept dry. Items such as rice and wheat also contain lots of protein that the body needs. Some excellent survival dry goods are beans, lentils and peas. An adult needs about 50 pounds of each to survive for a year. Sugar and honey are also good items to have for sweeteners. Salt, pepper and herbal seasonings are long lasting and can add flavor. Salt is also good for sterilizing wounds. If there is an infant, then keep a supply of dried milk. Dried fruits and vegetables last a long time and retain a large portion of their nutrients.
Medical Supplies
Have some basic medical supplies available. Sterile bandages and rubbing alcohol can help with cuts and scrapes. Keep a large supply of aspirin, cold medicines, items for stomach upset and any prescription medicines that are needed. Keep toothbrushes, baking soda and salt available for clean teeth and mouth sores. Apple cider vinegar is great for cuts as well as to treat colds.