Environmental Grants in Canada
The Alpine Club of Canada
The Alpine Club of Canada funds efforts to preserve natural alpine environments. The Alpine Club of Canada provides grant funding for climbing environments such as mountains and the conservation of their natural flora and fauna through the Environment Fund. The fund seeks to prevent attrition of alpine wilderness areas through preservation and maintenance. Any agency or individual proposing a project that meets the fund's goals may apply for funding, however, projects that Alpine Club of Canada members propose are given priority. The Alpine Club does not fund recreational development projects using Environment Fund monies and does not guarantee funding to any project.
The Alpine Club of Canada
P. O. Box 8040, Indian Flats Road
Canmore, Alberta T1W 2T8
TD Group Financial Services Friends of the Environment Foundation
TD Group Financial Services Friends of the Environment Foundation offers environmental funding for community programs all over Canada. Organizations that apply must be Canadian nonprofit organizations with projects that will use the funds provided in-country. First Nations tribes and groups and schools and municipalities may also apply for TD funding. Eligible projects must fit into one of TD's focus areas, which include urban renewal, youth education having to do with the environment, environmental protection and developing cooperative schemes for environmental organizations. Project types that are not eligible for funding include website development, travel and landscaping projects. All applications are submitted online through the organization's website.
TD Group Financial Services Friends of the Environment Foundation Central & Southwestern Ontario
220 Dundas Street, 4th Fl.
London, ON N6A 1H3
Shell Canada
As of July, 2010, the Shell Environmental Fund provides CAD$10,000 grants to community action projects designed to conserve and benefit the environment in Canada. The fund also makes available four CAD$100,000 major initiatives grants designed to fund major projects that rely on volunteers, allow for replication, foster organizational partnerships and directly benefit the environment on a national level. Projects do not apply for major initiatives grants, but are identified and offered funding. An application process for the smaller grants does exist. Eligible organizations include nonprofit groups such as schools, conservation groups and community groups. The fund accepts applications twice per year. Complete applications answer a set list of questions and provide additional information on the project.
Shell Environmental Fund, Shell Canada Limited
400 - 4th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta T2P 0J4
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency funds individuals, nonprofit organizations and First Nations and other aboriginal groups with a vested stake in a project in a government environmental assessment for that project. The agency provides two funding options: the Regular and Aboriginal Funding Envelopes. Anyone may apply for Regular funds, whereas Aboriginal funds are earmarked for members of aboriginal groups. Funding covers only the successful applicant's study or assessment participation, including environmental impact statement review, draft guidelines review and public hearing participation. Support may not cover all the participant's costs.
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Place Bell, 160 Elgin Street, 22nd Fl.
Ottawa ON K1A 0H3