Decomposition of Styrofoam
Time Frame
The breakdown of this material is time consuming and may be damaging to the environment. According to the Green Living Tips website, a basic Styrofoam cup takes an average of 50 years to decompose.
Contributing Factors
Environmental factors contribute heavily to the decomposition rates of a particular item. Styrofoam decomposition is dependent on the climate where the item is located. Decomposition does not mean the Styrofoam item is completely gone. It may leave behind toxic chemicals in the soil, according to the Green Living Tips website.
Recycling Tips
Recycling Styrofoam is not an easy task according to the Earth 911 website. Styrofoam falls under the plastic No. 6 category. Very few community recycling projects accept this category. If recycling options are not available in your community, look for a mail-in program. Eco-conscious individuals may reuse Styrofoam products around the home.