What Is the Meaning of Tree Hugger?
Tree huggers embraced trees in order to protect them. The term "tree hugger" originated in 1974. It refers to the people, mainly women, of Uttar Pradesh in India who were involved in the Chipko movement. According to the International Institute for Sustainable Development, Chipko "comes from a word meaning 'embrace': the villagers hug the trees, saving them by interposing their bodies between them and the contractors' axes."
Tree huggers tried to save the land peacfully. The tree huggers involved in the Chipko movement were trying to protect the trees that served as a source of survival in a nonviolent way. War Resisters International says, "the women of the region, who were usually confined to household work, began to take the lead because they were the worst hit by the decline of the forests--collecting fuel and fodder for their domestic needs had become more difficult, adding to their suffering." This movement became a catalyst of inspiration for people around the world to protect woodlands.
Some people use tree hugger as a derogatory term for people concerned about the environment. For example, when someone is annoyed, overwhelmed or offended by a person's regard for the environment they might call the person a tree hugger. Nonetheless, those who know the origin of the term may take it as a compliment.
Tree huggers, or environmentalists, support, promote and encourage environmental consciousness in various areas. Some tree huggers seek to not only protect forests, but wildlife, natural resources and the earth from global warming, overpopulation and toxic chemicals.
Prospective tree huggers should do their research. If you are considering becoming an environmentalist, or a tree hugger, consider what environmental issues are of special concern to your community, county or state. Research these issues and see what you can do to alleviate the problem, to stay informed and to inform others.