Different Smells From Well Water
Rotten Eggs
A “vinegar” or “rotten egg” smell is one of the most common well water smells. This may be the result of dissolved hydrogen sulfide or sulfur-eating bacteria, the latter of which can be eliminated through disinfection.
Musty/Earthy Smell
A musty smell could be the result of decaying organic matter or bacteria. An iron bacteria analysis should be conducted.
Well water that has a soapy smell or foamy appearance may indicate septic tank seepage.
A gasoline or oily odor around the area of the well may indicate a leak from surrounding gasoline storage tanks.
A chlorine smell can mean that well water is overly chlorinated. Chilling water in the refrigerator before drinking it can help reduce the smell and taste of chlorine.
Phenolic or Chemical Smells
Well water that smells like phenol, which has an acrid, sickly-sweet odor, could indicate industrial contamination and should be tested.