Ways to Offset the Carbon Footprint
Calculating your carbon footprint
A number of websites like Carbon Footprint and Green Student U offer calculators that can help you determine your carbon footprint based on various statistics like how much you drive, how often you fly and how much electricity you use on average.
Energy conservation
Conserving energy in your home can not only reduce your carbon footprint, it can save you money, too. Simple maintenance of an air conditioner and keeping a close eye on the air filters in your heater can reduce your usage of both heat and electricity. Always maintain the lowest comfortable temperature in the winter and the highest in the summer. Only wash clothing with hot water if it's heavily soiled, as a large amount of energy goes toward heating the water.
Energy-saving replacements
Some other ways to conserve energy require a minor investment. However, over time the savings on your energy bills will offset this investment. Replace your normal incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent screw-in bulbs, as these bulbs use up to 75 percent less energy. Also, replace appliances with energy-efficient models. You can determine an appliance's energy efficiency by looking at the Energy Star sticker.
Green energy
There are an increasing number of energy providers who use renewable energy sources, such as wind and hydroelectric power. Signing up with one of them can reduce your carbon footprint considerably, as carbon dioxide isn't produced as a byproduct of energy production.
Recycling can reduce your personal carbon footprint. The products that you recycle can be reused, reducing the need for companies to use resources to create more of the same product. Also, as trash decomposes, it often emits methane gas, considered to be a more potent greenhouse gas and global warming contributor than carbon dioxide.
Many automobile makers have released hybrid electric vehicles that get considerably better mileage than the average vehicle. This not only reduces the amount of carbon dioxide emissions, but also saves you money on gasoline. Electric cars are also another option, as they produce no emissions whatsoever.
Alternative transport
Not everyone who wants to reduce their carbon footprint can afford a new car. There are, of course, alternatives that can still contribute. Using alternative modes of transport when you can, such as public transportation, walking or riding a bike can not only reduce your carbon footprint, but save you gas money. Also, carpooling can be a great way for groups of people to not only collectively reduce their carbon footprints, but save a little cash at the same time.