How Far Should You Live From High-Voltage Power Lines?
Electromagnetic Fields
The body’s cellular processes rely on electrical signals for intracellular communications and the chemical reactions that compose cell metabolism. According to EM Watch, certain levels of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) can alter cell activity by producing electrical charges within the body. Exposure level depends on the strength of the fields and the distance between the source and the person. The greater the distance from these fields, the less powerful their effects on body processes. As distance and electromagnetic strength influence overall health risk, few specific regulations exist regarding how far power lines should be placed from residences.
Radiation Emissions
Neighborhood power lines, cell phones, microwaves and computers make up just a few of the devices capable of emitting electromagnetic radiation emissions. The amount of current carried by neighborhood power lines has a bearing on the amount of radiation emitted. Wiring configurations can also affect emission amounts. According to EM Watch, the type of power line suspended between street poles can produce dangerous electromagnetic fields as far out as 30 meters. As power usage amounts can vary during different times of the day, EMF emission distances can also vary according to peak versus average usage levels.
Power Line Testing
Low-frequency EMF meters can be used to determine the amount of electromagnetic radiation coming from nearby power lines. EMF meters can measure emissions at varying distances and at different times of the day. These devices measure radiation in milligaus units, which indicate magnetic field strength. According to EM Watch, a reading of 0.5 milligaus or more falls within dangerous levels of radiation emission. The average neighborhood power line typically generates 0.3 milligaus, which can reach as far as 400 meters away.
Research Studies
According to Harvard Health Publications, 20 years worth of research studies show no actual proof of health risks associated with exposures to power lines. One research study conducted in England examined the effects of EMFs on 83,000 workers within the electricity industry. Results from the study produced no associated health effects from ongoing, everyday exposures. According to the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, another study conducted in England revealed a high incidence of leukemia disorders in children who lived less than 200 meters from power lines. Results from the study were deemed inconclusive as no actual measurements for electromagnetic emissions were taken.
According to Harvard Health Publications, determinations on how far a home should be from high-voltage power lines have proved difficult for researchers to estimate due to all of the possible health outcomes involved and other unknown contributing factors. Possible health outcomes involve testing for all the potential disorders that can result from exposure to EMFs. Also, power line fluctuations throughout the day make it difficult to pinpoint a distance range when determining exposure levels and potential risk.