What Are the Dangers of Pesticides & Fertilizers?
Wildlife Diseases
Animals that come into contact with fertilizers and pesticides also can be harmed by them. Cancer, abnormal thyroid function, decreased fertility, decreased mating success and death are some of impacts that garden products have on wildlife, according to Chebucto. Ammonium sulfate, which is used in some fertilizers, has been shown to cause cardiac arrest and seizures in animals, according to Minnesota Poison Control System.
Adult Diseases
Prolonged exposure to pesticides is more dangerous to humans than immediate use. About 16 million U.S. residents are sensitive to pesticides, according to Chebucto. Health risks associated with the product include: increased risk of leukemia and lymphoma; brain, lung and testicular cancers; decreased fertility; liver and pancreatic damage; immune system disturbances, like asthma and allergies; increase in stillbirths; and decrease in sperm counts.
Child Diseases
Children are more susceptible to the dangers of pesticides and fertilizers, because their rapid breathing and metabolic rates, and their thinner skin. Because they are shorter than adults, they also have more contact with the ground. They also are more likely to insert their hands into their mouths. A few health dangers for children include asthma and allergies; leukemia and brain cancer; and gangrene, according to Chebucto.