Pandemic Emergency Procedures
Store non-perishable foods in case of emergency. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) says that the best emergency procedure is to be prepared before disaster strikes. Having a two-week supply of food and water stored in advance of an emergency is an important precaution. Keep at least two weeks' worth of prescription medications, rotating the stored medicines so that they don't go out of date. Also keep a supply of pain medications, decongestants, electrolyte fluids, cold medicines, etc.
Keep medications on hand. In the event of a pandemic, the federal government will prioritize the distribution of medications. First among those to be vaccinated will be "front line" workers, including military personnel, doctors, and nurses. The National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza also details plans to stockpile as many medications as possible, and to work with private companies to insure increased production of necessary vaccine. The goal is to vaccinate every American citizen within six months of the pandemic outbreak.
The government will try to contain known outbreaks. Part of being able to contain a pandemic outbreak is to recognize it as early as possible. The federal government has established connections with both national and international organizations dedicated to identifying and reporting suspicious changes that could be a pandemic warning sign. Travelers suspected of carrying the disease will be detained. The government will take steps to prevent the movement of non-essential people and items to and from areas where an outbreak has occurred.
All available medical personnel will be called in to help. When a pandemic occurs, state and local governments will implement medical surge plans. Additionally, the national surge requirement (a plan to rapidly increase available facilities and personnel in case of an emergency) will be supported by the use of federal response capabilities, medical facilities, and medical personnel. The Strategic National Stockpile will be tapped in order to provide necessary medical and non-medical equipment, and the government will coordinate distribution of these items.