Typical Contaminants at Scrap Yards
Heavy Metals
Heavy metals such as cadmium, chromium, copper, lead and mercury sit in scrap yards that handle industrial and e-waste. These metals have severe health effects on humans and animals. Many of these compounds bioaccumulate, which means they are stored inside the body tissues and accumulate during repeated exposure until they reach toxic levels. You do not have to receive a large dose of these metals at any one time to become sick; small doses over a long period will make you sick as well. Lead and mercury cause neurological damage in humans and animals and cause cognitive and developmental issues in children. Cadmium causes renal failure, lung disease and bone defects. Chromium leads to liver and kidney damage and circulatory and nerve tissue destruction. Too much copper causes anemia, as well as liver and kidney damage.
Automotive Waste
Automotive scrap yards are a source of automotive wastes such as oil, batteries, engine and transmission fluids, degreasers, gasoline and antifreeze. These compounds are highly toxic and are corrosive, even in small quantities. Most of these products, particularly batteries and motor oil, are recyclable, so they can be processed to pose no long-term environmental risk.
Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB)
Industrial scarp is a source of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB). PCB is a liquid or waxy substance used in transformers, electrical equipment and hydraulics. It served as a commonly used insulator and plasticizer until the United States banned its use in 1979 due to its toxicity. Health issues caused by PCBs include endocrine, immune, reproductive and nervous system problems, as well as cancer. They do not break down and can travel long distances by air or water and through crop absorption.
Many scrap yards use incinerators to burn non-salvageable scrap. Incinerating solid waste produces dioxin, compounds found in incinerator ash. Dioxin contains high levels of chlorine, which is toxic and causes tissue damage and even death with prolonged exposure. Incinerator ash is not only in the air, carried away from the incinerator, but falls to the ground to coat plants and contaminates surface water.
Water Contamination
One of the major risks from these contaminants is that will enter drinking water sources by either leaching into ground water or running off into surface water. Once they enter water supplies, animals and humans ingest them. They can also enter plants throughout the root system, yet another method of ingestion. Municipal water supplies may be able to filter these contaminants, but well owners may be unaware of the danger and not have a system in place to remove these substances.