Random Facts About Going Green
Refurbish technology. Instead of disposing of computers in landfills, individuals and businesses can refurbish systems for far less than the cost of buying brand new computers, according to Going Green. Updates and extended memory can bring computers, and parting out old machines saves landfill space. Other ways to go green with technology include utilizing power strips that shut off and establishing energy saving settings.
Cleaning Products
Beware of toxins Mr. Yuck stickers have been around for years to notify children of dangerous cleaning products. The goal has been to ensure that toxins are not swallowed, but the campaign showed little concern for polluted air. According to the World Watch Institute, indoor air is becoming more contaminated than the air we breathe outside. States are now banning the use of phosphate in detergents and requiring safer cleaners. You can take care of housekeeping while protecting the earth and keeping your family healthy. Approach all cleaning chores with a mixture of common products. Baking soda, salt, borax and vinegar can combine to unclog drains, scrub ovens, deodorize carpets and wash windows.
Green Travel
Bicycle to your destination The best travel transportation for green living involves a bus, ferry or hybrid rental car. Airplanes are among the worst polluters due to the amount of fuel and emissions utilized to move the aircraft. Once you arrive at your desired location, utilize bicycles and buses. When making reservations for lodging, ask if the hotel is green. This will ensure the place you have chosen uses water savers for commodes and showers. Efficient energy systems for air conditioning and heating will be guaranteed. Always reside in the lodging as you would at home. Request housekeeping not to change towels and bed linens every day. While you are away on travel, leave your home free of excess energy usage. Unplug appliances and turn air conditioners off.
Fresh Vegetables Eating organic is a healthy way of life, free from contaminants and pesticide residue. Look for farmer's markets and locally grown foods. Always ensure that poultry, meats and seafoods are cooked properly. Avoid saturated fats and by-products found in most commercial foods. Read labels and educate children on the harmful effects of sugary snacks.
Green Jobs
Wind power The economy has experienced a decline in workers needed for auto manufacturing and production factories. Many individuals have exhausted their unemployment benefits and are desperate to maintain a suitable living. Green standards are improving this dilemma by providing numerous opportunities in the manufacturing of energy-efficient products. The population is beginning to find employment with environmental engineering firms and wind-powered industry. Green jobs have expanded the workforce by 9.1 percent between the years 1998 and 2007, according to MSNBC.