The Effect on Your Body From Mold on Your Shower Curtain
Mold growth overall can cause serious long-term and short-term health issues. A small amount of mold growth on your shower curtain is unlikely to cause any serious health issues. But, if you allow mold to continue to grow on your shower curtain it will spread across your entire shower curtain and to other areas of your bathroom and home. If this happens you will likely deal with some serious health issues.
Some individuals are more susceptible to mold than others. Susceptible individuals include the elderly, pregnant women, children and those with asthma or other respiratory difficulties. Keeping your home mold-free is especially important for susceptible individuals who can experience symptoms from even slight amounts of mold on a shower curtain.
The most common symptom to mold exposure are symptoms that would suggest an allergy or irritation, according to The New York Department of Health. These include sneezing, coughing, itchy or watery eyes and congestion. More serious symptoms include respiratory issues such as wheezing, difficulty breathing or coughing. Throat irritation can also occur as can headaches and skin irritation. Generally, these symptoms would occur if the shower curtain mold was extensive.
Those with weak lungs, such as smokers, asthmatic people or those with lung disease, can develop lung infections if they inhale certain types of mold. In these cases, the individual will inhale mold spores. Because the lungs are weakened, the cilia that clean them are inhibited and are not able to remove the mold spores. Consequently, the mold develops in the lungs and can cause lung infections. This symptom is unlikely for most people who are exposed to shower curtain mold, but it is possible for a susceptible individual.
One of the most effective treatments for mold-related health issues is to remove the mold from the shower curtain, bathroom and home. This stops the enhanced presence of mold in your home and limits your exposure. This will end most of the symptoms for most individuals, but susceptible individuals may need to consult a doctor to cleanse their lungs and remove symptoms of shower curtain mold.